Build Canada: What unique features does Ramp-Art offer in your railing products that appeals to both buyers and builders?
Martin Dubois: Combining contemporary elegance and exceptional durability, Ramp-Art railings stand out as major architectural elements that enhance the aesthetic appeal of any building.
Their sleek design adds a modern and refined touch, while their structural strength ensures safety and longevity. Thanks to their remarkable flexibility, these railings easily adapt to various alignments, providing a smooth and harmonious installation. Choose Ramp-Art and transform every balcony or terrace into a true architectural statement.

BC: What are some of the systems that are popular in the market today?
MD: Ramp-Art offers a diverse range of sought-after railings on the market. On our website, www.ramp-art.ca, explore our full selection of products, designed to meet every need, from the most classic to the most complex.
Our team of technical experts and the entire organization excel at adapting our solutions to demanding and unique projects. Our railings are designed to seamlessly integrate and be a standout feature in every project they are destined for.
What truly sets our railings apart? An unmatched ability to combine strength with aesthetic efficiency. Every project is an opportunity to create railings that are not only functional but also enhance the style and character of your building. With Ramp-Art, you choose innovation, design, and a customized response to your architectural challenges.
BC: How can the design and quality of a balcony’s railing impact its attractiveness to potential buyers or renters?
MD: The appeal of a balcony railing relies on several factors, but two are essential: lasting safety and timeless design. At Ramp-Art, we create railings that stand the test of time, ensuring not only the protection of occupants but also an aesthetic that never goes out of style. We firmly believe in the power of collaboration to shape the urban landscape of tomorrow.
By working hand-in-hand with our partners, we deliver solutions that leave a striking and lasting architectural impact. Each project is an opportunity to merge safety, style, and innovation to enrich our living environments and inspire future generations.
With Ramp-Art, choose railings that not only support the present but also shape the future.

BC: Could you share information about Ramp-Art’s capabilities, core values, and what distinguishes you from your competitors?
MD: For over 35 years, Ramp-Art has been shaping the urban landscape with railings that combine design, safety, and durability. We have witnessed numerous changes in the construction industry and have consistently adapted to them. Our values of agility, authenticity, collaboration, and collective well-being are reflected in every project, from design to execution.
Our distinction lies in our ability to successfully navigate the complex challenges of the construction industry. Thanks to our in-house team of passionate and highly skilled experts, we anticipate challenges, minimize impacts, and ensure uncompromising durability. Every Ramp-Art project is a tangible testament to our commitment to excellence and sustainability.
More than 1,000 completed projects bear our signature and enhance major cities, showcasing our expertise and contribution to contemporary architecture. Our greatest pride? Seeing our projects come to life, seamlessly integrate into their environment, and leave a lasting mark on the urban landscape.
Lévis, Quebec, G6W 6M9