According to the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB), Edmonton’s metropolitan region will grow to between 1.96 million people and 2.24 million by 2044. This is higher than the city’s population projection of two million, which was released in its City Plan in 2017.
This growth will put pressure on housing supplies, rising prices, and the demand to develop more walkable communities. Having walkable neighbourhoods as part of sustainable urban design yields social, ecological, and economic benefits, and Bard Golightly of Urban Pioneer Infill believes in the approach that building infill projects that foster interconnectivity and well-being at the architectural and urban level. Golightly brings more than 30 years of experience in the industry; having served as the past president of the Canadian Homebuilder Association (CHBA) and Chief Operating Officer for Christenson Developments.
“My experience particularly with the Christenson Group fed my interest and passion for revitalization. Christenson did a lot of re-development, and I became aware that this was a great way to help the city grow in a more responsible way,” he says. “Over time, with my partner, who also has over 30 years of experience, we decided to start Urban Pioneer Infill with the idea of being able to provide a high quality and environmentally responsible build. My experience with the Home Builders Association exposed me to a lot of good thinking about how housing doesn’t have to be the way it’s always been, which has been focused on continued outward growth. There is substantial housing stock in Edmonton’s mature neighbourhoods that has reached its useful life and needs to be replaced or rebuilt. In doing so, we can capitalize on the existing infrastructure. All these things attracted us to residential infill.”

“The collaboration with clients is very important and we spend a lot of time with them up front, working through the design to make sure they get what they want.”
– Bard Golightly
Pride in the Details
Collaborating with their clients, whether for a new home or a renovation is paramount with Urban Pioneer Infill and they work hard to develop a dynamic response to the site and to their client. The company has streamlined the process to the highest degree, ensuring a building experience replete with integrity and a focused delivery.
“We build everything to a high standard, and we are both design and budget driven,” he says. “The collaboration with clients is very important and we spend a lot of time with them up front, working through the design to make sure they get what they want. And the other part is budget. We create very detailed budgets which work hand in hand with all design decisions.
By the time we get to the design the client wants, we’ll have a full budget and contract for them explicitly laying out what they’re going to get with their home. We probably take a little longer than some other builders to get to that point, but what we’re trying to do is do our best to minimize surprises for the client.”
Urban Pioneer Infill takes its leadership duties seriously and is committed to developing communities that are environmentally friendly and energy efficient. “Everything we do is certified Built Green, which is an environmental building system for builders, we made a concious decision to certify our homes. We use Built Green Canada’s Third-Party Certification to meet the compliance requirements and energy performance. Our homes are more durable and more comfortable. Beyond using less energy, our homes use less water, less electricity, and improves indoor air quality. “
Golightly credits Urban Pioneer Infill’s success to the knowledge, skills, experience, and dedication of the partners, their team and roster of subcontractors they have built long lasting relationships with. “We’re not a big company, we have a very tight team and have a strict set of criteria when we’re designing the spec. We spend a lot of time internally going over the plans and making sure everybody understands what it is we’re doing and what level of quality we want,” he says. “We’re very proud to say we have a very strong team of sub-trades, and we tend to be quite loyal to them. We communicate with our trades frequently about the project to ensure we are all on the same page and that together, we end up delivering high quality homes with every build.”

Architectural approach
For infill sites to achieve both livability and functionality. they need to be designed with great care and imagination. A key component of Golightly’s philosophy is the importance of incorporating design elements within exisiting neighbourhoods that respect and enhance existing residential patterns and developments while reinforcing the structural and functional relationships of the neighbourhoods.
“When we contemplate buying a lot in an infill neighbourhood, the first thing we look at is the design aesthetics in that area. What’s up and down the street, what’s up and down the block, and what’s in the neighbourhood overall. We don’t copy, we compliment whatt’s already there with a home offering of what today’s home buyer is looking for. After assessing the current surroundings that the spec will be intergrated into, we determine the best creative approach that will help the home establish a connection with the surrounding area.”
Leading the Way
Welcoming communities