We’re more than just a magazine, we’re a full-service creative agency and media partner, which means we’re heavy on ability and light on our feet. Whether you’re looking for a new direction for your brand, or promoting an upcoming project, we help brands uncover what’s daring and different in their DNA.

Sharing and telling the stories about Canada’s most innovative builders is at the heart of what we do.  Below outlines how we collaborate to deliver your story to our audience.

Our Q&A’s have little room for fluff. They are engaging conversations that will highlight your project management models, innovative products and system solutions. smart home technology, and sustainable building initiatives.
Our SEO Rank-Ready Content drives organic traffic for your business, and ensures your brand’s messaging is consistent, impactful, and tailored to the needs and preferences of the audience.
By using both digital and print channels, you can reach a wider audience and cater to different preferences. Some consumers respond better to print materials, while others prefer digital content, so a multi-channel approach can maximize engagement.
Our in-house team delivers eye catching and effective AD Campaigns, Product Reviews, WordPress-powered websites, custom designs, and marketing results.