by Build Canada | Jan 5, 2024 | Builder Profiles Developers Home Builders Infill NEWS
A new infill project situated near the University of Manitoba will eventually become the residence of 20,000 individuals, making it one of the largest communities in the province. The Southwood Circle development, which is situated at the former Southwood Golf and...
by Build Canada | Jan 5, 2024 | Builder Profiles Developers Home Builders NEWS
The 22-storey Elle Development is conveniently located on West 15th Street, just off Lonsdale Avenue in North Vancouver, making it an enviable location for potential buyers. In addition, the size of the units has piqued the interest of buyers, as they are larger...
by Build Canada | Dec 22, 2023 | Home Builders Infill NEWS
EkoBuilt, based in Ottawa, Canada, is dedicated to spreading the concept of passive homes across North America. The company actively shares information through their blog, social media channels, and their YouTube series, The Passive House Show. They believe that...
by Build Canada | Dec 14, 2023 | Builder Profiles Home Builders Infill NEWS
According to the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Board (EMRB), Edmonton’s metropolitan region will grow to between 1.96 million people and 2.24 million by 2044. This is higher than the city’s population projection of two million, which was released in its...
by Build Canada | Dec 9, 2023 | Home Builders Infill
LeslieVille Laneway EcoLuxury Homes’ flagship Leslieville Laneway home in Toronto features the latest cutting-edge products and materials, all of which played a part in the home reaching its LEED Platinum certification. When the City of Toronto adopted the Laneway...
by Build Canada | Oct 2, 2023 | Developers Home Builders Infill
As we look to the future, it’s clear that the type of development that has worked in the past will no longer serve the needs of Winnipeg’s residents. Designing for the future requires bold action, innovative approaches, and a commitment to principles of green...