Frequently Asked Questions
When are issues published?
Build Canada Magazine is published 6 times a year, releasing new issues every February, April, June, August, September, and December.
How do I submit an article?
All submissions should follow proper manuscript format. Submissions should be emailed to editor@build-canada.ca
Please attach all submissions in .doc or .docx or rtf format—we will not accept submissions embedded in the body of email. Include your bio in your cover letter.
What do we look for in projects?
The exceptional, the unusual, the ambitious, and the delightful. Any residential project is eligible if it is under four or so years old, not widely published on a national basis (either in print or online), has a strong architect/designer at the helm and a talented builder.
It's past the submission deadline. Can I still send my submission?
We sometimes have room for last minute submissions in the digital edition, so it’s worth it to at least send your piece in. Late submissions received before the issue appears online will also be considered for inclusion on the website. That being said, please always get your submissions to us as soon as you can!
Is this a print magazine or digital only?
Build Canada Magazine provides both national exposure and regional brand awareness. Build Canada is our national online publication, and our leading builder profiles and Q&A’a are converted into printed brochures that our builder partners can distribute locally in sales centres, show homes, direct mail, or social networking events.
Who subscribes to Build Canada Magazine?
Build Canada Magazine is one of the premier content outlets for the promotion of noteworthy creatives, diverse content and distinct marketing material.
Reaching an audience of over 60,000 construction professionals through a combination of print and online distribution, Build Canada interviews top executives and features leading projects, personalities, and profiles in the construction industry.
From Vancouver to St. John’s, and everywhere in between, Build Canada Magazine shines an engaging light on companies with big stories to tell.
How can I advertise in Build Canada Magazine?
Advertising in Build Canada Magazine is a great way to share your products and services with thousands of high-performance building and professionals across the country. Purchase an ad by contacting Jason Alexander at
Is there a cost to be featured in Build Canada Magazine?
There is no cost to you be featured in Build Canada Magazine. During our Q&A’s, we emphasize the importance of your partnerships with subtrades and suppliers, so they are invited to participate with an advert for themselves. This keeps the advertising specific to the featured builder, creates synergy within the profile, and provides your key trades a cost-effective way to way to showcase their product or service.