Spot’s autonomous site monitoring capabilities have been significantly enhanced with the introduction of a self-charging enterprise robot, remote operation software, and a robot arm.

Boston Dynamics, a worldwide leader in mobile robotics, has unveiled new additions to its agile mobile robot Spot’s product line. With the introduction of the self-charging Enterprise Spot, web-based remote operations software, Scout, and the Spot Arm, Spot’s capabilities are expanded. The robot is now able to carry out autonomous, remote inspections and data collection, and perform manual tasks.

With over 400 deployed robots around the world, Spot Robotics has proven to be an effective solution for hazardous work environments such as mines, nuclear plants, and offshore oil fields. Spot’s advanced mobility and customizability allows it to perform critical tasks while keeping workers safe. Spot’s new products are designed to enable customers to fully operationalize continuous, autonomous data collection on remote or hazardous worksites of any size, from anywhere they have access to their network.

Autonomy is critical to enhancing Spot’s value.  In order to support long, remote deployments, Boston Dynamics is introducing Spot Enterprise, a new version of Spot that comes equipped with self-charging capabilities and a dock, allowing it to perform longer inspection tasks and data collection missions with little to no human interaction. In addition to the basic capabilities that the base Spot robot offers, Spot Enterprise leverages upgraded hardware for improved safety, communications, and behavior in remote environments. These upgrades expand the range that autonomous missions can cover, extend WiFi support, add flexibility to Spot’s payload ports, and enable users to quickly offload large data sets collected during the robot’s mission.

Autonomy is critical to enhancing Spot’s value.  In order to support long, remote deployments, Boston Dynamics is introducing Spot Enterprise, a new version of Spot that comes equipped with self-charging capabilities and a dock, allowing it to perform longer inspection tasks and data collection missions with little to no human interaction. In addition to the basic capabilities that the base Spot robot offers, Spot Enterprise leverages upgraded hardware for improved safety, communications, and behavior in remote environments. These upgrades expand the range that autonomous missions can cover, extend WiFi support, add flexibility to Spot’s payload ports, and enable users to quickly offload large data sets collected during the robot’s mission.